An open letter to the Federal Government of the United States of America

Justin Neretich
3 min readJan 12, 2021

It is in my humble opinion that it is time our legislative branch of government sits down and has real debate and discussion likening to the time when our nation was in its infancy. We need to have our senators and representatives be in the chamber for days at a time, until we can draw up a plan of action to propel this country forward. It would be a myth to say that there was ever a time in the United States where our citizenry was unified in its entirety. It would also be false to assume there was ever a time that our country had a singular belief system, culture, and community. What makes America such a beacon of hope in my heart and to the world has been our continued struggles in achieving a social, economic, and political system that protects and serves so many people across difference. Yet we cannot ignore that it does not dole out justice equitably, and there are historical and current precedents that have been erected as barriers to that goal. Further, there have been explicit and provocative actions taken by Americans, using those very systems mentioned above, to oppress other Americans, specifically Americans of color.

I am asking that the time for full-scale discussion in our legal and political processes begin. Although we see the rise of grassroots movements in this country doing everything they can to force that conversation to start, I believe that the highest structures of power in this country must take the helm and seize this moment in order to chart a path forward that doesn’t result in the complete obliteration of our Constitutional framework. This request comes from an intellectual, emotional, and hopeful space. I still have faith in this country’s ability to persevere through hardship, violence, and pain. This nation was born out of revolutionary fervor, privileges of the colonial system of the 18th Century, and a whole lot of luck. Yet we are also bound by what Mr. Jon Meacham calls “The Soul of America”. There is a spirit that has in our past struggles, helped create a voice for America’s social, economic, and political progression. It was not the voice of a singular group of people, of a specific faith, or gender, or race. That guiding spirit still exists but is hidden to us in a global era of renewed segregation, white supremacy, and xenophobia. Globalization and technological advancements have significantly changed the way we go about our daily lives. We cannot ignore this change, because it continues to march on whether we are ready for it or not.

Our government must address both the continued issues in our current legal, political, and economic systems as well as the changes globalization has wrought. If the conversation begins at the Federal level, it signals a challenge to our state systems to continue the conversation. It will symbolize a shift in time and energy committed to action and civic engagement the likes of which we have not seen in this country since its founding. I thank you for taking the time to hear my thoughts, and I wish you all the best in the start of this endeavor. I know I plan to continue starting conversations in my local community, and I hope you do in yours as well.


Justin Neretich

Registered Democrat, Cortland County, NY



Justin Neretich

I am a lifelong learner and empathic thinker. I want to have real discussions & passionate debates even when it's hard to do so.